Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spouting Horn - Kauai

I am so glad that my friend, Pam McGahey, went to Hawaii and was willing to share all of her great photos with me plus allow me to post them to my blog.   I'm in awe of the beauty of the islands, and can't wait to see it in person for myself.

Today's photos are of the Spouting Horn in Kauai.  It is a natural phenomenon that occurs when water rushes over the lava shelves and then is pushed up thru a small air hole in the ground.   It makes a whistling/hissing sound and then shoots water up into the air.  Every wave creates a spurt, some as high as 50 feet into the air.   At sunset the water picks up the colors of the rainbow.

Hope you enjoy today's photos:

If you would like to read more about the Spouting Horn in Kauai ... Click HERE.

Take Highway 50 from Hanapepe toward Lawa'i. Just past Mile Marker #11 turn right on Koloa Road (Highway 530). Continue to Po'ipu Road and turn right again. The road forks near the ocean, go right on Lawa'i Road. Spouting Horn is approximately one mile down the road on the left. Park and walk down to the overlook.

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. This is a personal blog about information cruising to Hawaii. All opinions posted by me are my personal opinion. This blog is not sponsored or endorsed by any company or individual.

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