Monday, March 7, 2011

Pam McGahey Shares Her Kauai Photos

Pam McGahey, a good friend, also shared some of her photos with me for my blog.  Her photos were taken in Kauai.   

 Pam and her husband, Greg, at the Waimea Canyon Overlook. 
This is known as the Mini Grand Canyon.

Snorkeling in Kauai

 Cathy and Bruce overlooking the Pacific Ocean

 Pam and her BFF Cathy in front of the Dole Plantation

 Don't you just love the leis and the smiling faces!

This photo of Pam and Cathy is GREAT!!!   The are all ready to head to the luau. This was a Smith Family Luau.   Pam gave it rave reviews.

Kauai is known as the Garden State.  With flowers like these, I can understand why.

Pam mentioned that there were roosters and chickens all over the island.   The roosters woke them up each morning.

This was one of the shopping centers.  Lots of beauty there too.

This is in front of the Post Card Cafe.   Pam said the food was yummy & delicious.

More photos of Kauai from Pam very soon.

Thank you so much Pam for sharing your photos with me.   They really show the lush greenery, the gorgeous waters, and what fun you all had on Kauai.

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. This is a personal blog about information cruising to Hawaii. All opinions posted by me are my personal opinion. This blog is not sponsored or endorsed by any company or individual.

1 comment:

  1. Mary,

    It was my pleasure sharing these with you! Thank you for posting them as they are, again, a great treat to see pictures of our dream vacation and our special last time with Cathy! Excellent Blog! Pam


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