Sunday, March 13, 2011

Kipu Ranch Adventures on Kauai

 First I want to thank Pam McGahey for allowing me to use her photos.   All her photos were used with her permission.

Kipu Ranch Adventures is on Kauai and their specialty is ATV Tours (All Terrain Vehicles).  So if you are looking for a bit of adventure and don't mind getting dirty, these tour just might be for you.   Closed toed shoes are mandatory and they recommend wearing long pants.   I saw a note about bringing your camera AND insect repellent too.   These tours are run rain or shine ... unless the rains are extremely heavy.    There is even a swimming hole at the end to cool off (don't forget your water shoes).

Here's a pdf file that gives details on their tours along with pricing.   CLICK HERE

After seeing Pam's photos, it does look like a great deal of fun.

All set, let's go.

Did you know that 150 years ago that tress lining both sides of the road was a sign that royalty live there?  

A few wild boars along the way.

Look by the fence, there is a peacock.

On the road again.

I think this is a sure sign that the ride might just be a bit dusty!!!!

Look at all the ATVs ... quite a group of people on this tour.

Will end the photos here, but there are LOTS more.   Come back tomorrow to see them.

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. This is a personal blog about information cruising to Hawaii. All opinions posted by me are my personal opinion. This blog is not sponsored or endorsed by any company or individual.

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