Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hike Maui

Are you someone who loves the great outdoors and would enjoy hiking in Hawaii with a guide?  If the answer is yes, then this tour may just be what your are looking for:

Hike Maui
Many hikes to choose from.

From their website:
"Always the top guides in the business, they are reknowned for their knowledge of Hawaiian botany, geology, culture and history. Their mission is to teach people about Hawai`i, and to do so while having a fun adventure. Anyone can walk you through the woods--when you have a great guide, it is a day to remember.

Often described in the press as “walking encyclopedias,” Hike Maui guides receive extensive training, both book learning and on the trails. Most also have life guard certification and Wilderness First Responder (advanced First Aid / rescue training)."

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. This is a personal blog about information cruising to Hawaii. All opinions posted by me are my personal opinion. This blog is not sponsored or endorsed by any company or individual.

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