Thursday, August 4, 2011

Moi Hole Cove - Oahu - Word of Warning

Oh my gosh, I just watch a show on History channel about the Moi Hole Cove in Oahu.  (before you read -- there is a happy ending).   This happens in 1983 a couple is standing out on the ledge (?) overlooking the waves and the ocean.   A monster wave comes up and over the rocks knocking them both over.  They are totally surrounded by water, she grabs the rock and holds on for dear life.  When the water subsides, he is gone.   He has gone over the ledge and into the pounding surf.   He is thrown by the water into a cave that the water pounds and pounds.   At many points the rescuers don't know if he is alive or not or even where he is at except in the cave.  After almost 4 hours, thru a true miracle they are able to rescue him just as another huge wave comes crashing in.     Most people never survive the cave and the pounding against the rocks.

Hal and I watched the show.   Truly brought tears to my eyes, it was terrifying to know this was real life not a movie we were watching.

Moral:   Have respect for the ocean and the power it brings.   Many people forget that the waves can come up and over any place near the shore and can sweep them out to sea.   It truly was an eye opener to watch this show.

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