Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jewelry Gifts From Hawaii 1960s - 1970s

I just had to share.  I was going thru the closet today and pulled out a jewelry box (miniature cedar chest)  I received in 1970 from Lane Furniture Company.  They gave one to each female who was a senior as a graduation present AND also I think to hint to the parents that a Lane Cedar Chest would be a perfect graduation present.  Inside was pieces of jewelry that my grandmother and my parents had brought back from Hawaii in the 60s and 70s as presents for me.   I wasn't sure that I still had them.   So when I found this treasure, I knew I had to share photos of the pieces on my Hawaii Spirit Cruise Blog.   Each piece was handmade (or so they were told) and is made of shells and seeds.  The necklace are at least 6 feet circle that you wrap over your head.   I forget what the tiki was carved from.   Amazing detail and color, and even more amazing their beautiful condition 40+ years later.   Wonder if these are still popular now????   Anyone know if you can still purchase them in Hawaii?

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