Sunday, October 9, 2011

"Must Sees" in Hawaii

Have you every wondered what are the "must sees" in Hawaii?   Our time is so limited there, that I wonder often what are the not to be missed sights and things to do.  Tonight I found a website that gives their suggestions on what to see while in Hawaii.   The links below list what to see and do, along with links to the sights giving information, details, and maps.   Hope you find this helpful:




Note:  There link for the Big Island is not working tonight, so I will not post it here.  But I did found another section on their site that gave a list of "sights to see" along with detailed information.

Big Island of Hawaii

Thank you for stopping by my blog today. This is a personal blog about information cruising to Hawaii. All opinions posted by me are my personal opinion. This blog is not sponsored or endorsed by any company or individual.

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