Saturday, November 5, 2011

Road to Hana - Maui

This information was in a review about the Road to Hana: (click here to read more)

To me the worst part of the drive was the section between Hamoa Beach and The Pools of ‘Ohe’o. The road wasn't in bad condition. It was just so narrow, with so many blind switchbacks and 1 lane bridges. Those were the most nerve-racking miles to me. When got to the Pools, we asked the ranger about the road ahead, if she thought it would be better to make the loop back to Kahului or to turn around and go back. She said it would definitely be better to keep going and make the loop, that a few miles weren't paved, but the road straightened out and you make better time without the so many blind curves. It was about 4:30 when we arrived at the pools so we knew it would get dark on us going back. No way did I want to go back the way we came in the dark. So after the Pools, we pressed onward, brave adventurers that we are.
TIP: I had read somewhere to bring some toilet tissue with you on the RTH, because some of the restrooms along the route would run out. I bought some Charmin in a little travel package. You can get them in grocery/drug/discount stores on the isle with all the sample/travel size toiletries and cosmetics. At the Pua’a Ka’a State Wayside Park restrooms we were glad I had brought it!
Thank you for stopping by my blog today. This is a personal blog about information cruising to Hawaii. All opinions posted by me are my personal opinion. This blog is not sponsored or endorsed by any company or individual.

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